Thursday, August 21, 2008

idea! (and an interesting nght)

so I was thinking. pretty much everywhere I go I always notice the most stylish girl in the room, on the street, etc. sometimes I admire hairstyles, specific pieces of jewelry or clothes, or just general style. sometimes I say something, you know if it's really super super rad and I just cannot stay quiet, like tonight with this girl's long plastic snake dangly earrings. I learned she got them at piedmont boutique on haight, and that they were only $3. with a little googling I figured out this is the store on haight with those big ol' legs hanging out of the window. anyway I was thinking, what if I carried around my good camera and took pictures of these girls, to blog about them- and have a blog about san francisco street style! you know like that section in nylon where they take pictures of people out at clubs and ask them funny little questions about what they're wearing? that's pretty much my favorite section. but you know all those kids are always from new york, and it's not the same as scoping people from your side of the coast. I could have cards with my blog's address to hand out to people who's picture I take so they can find it, and cute stickers made to promote it? yeah? there doesn't SEEM to be a niche already filled for this, and I think it would be a fun hobby and a way to mingle around and make friends. I mean I know I personally would be kinda stoked if someone asked to take my picture for their "style blog." please leave me some comments about this idea as it is still only a seed in my mind. In other news of the night, there is this broad here right now at the parkside, singing this song called "everyone is hideous compared to you." I think that's pretty clever and I think she is pretty much supacool, mostly because of the monocle she was wearing around her neck (that's right, a MONOCLE "to help her see small things") and her sparkley gold fanny pack. right now she is pretty much gyrating around stage with her monocle in and talking jibberish, but somehow IT RULES! I think you all of you (all 5 of you) should check her out- also, my fake eylashes from the wedding are STILL on, well at least a few of them. umyeah, I tried to remove them but am not having the best of luck, any suggestions? I'm starting to look like a tragic whore, especially tonight on the corner of 16th and mission trying to hail a cab, although I'm not sure I can blame that on the lashes : / goodnight, work at 9 am on the women's floor, boo, at least I have some awesome dvd's waiting for me when I get home tomorrow night!


ash said...

do it do it!
i want a sticker too

Holly said...

do it, i agree! i really like this idea and i cant wait to see your blog business cards