Sunday, August 10, 2008

dead mice rule, goons drool

Last night I went to Amber where Ryan and I discussed the perils of
dating "goons." Rudy was spitting fire, and Ryan and Matt were twins.
The drinks were all free. Pretty much was a good night. Went home with
Domino to dude mansion where Rico the cat discovered a mouse which we
proceeded to "catch" and "let free" even though it wasn't really moving
much. I was quite convinced it was "playing dead" but Chris told me this
morning that mice don't really play dead so I think it may have been
mamed previously by the cat.

Now Mary and I are having a luncheon at the irish bank, both of us are
incredibly haggard. She's all fluttery on the phone to her long distance
boyfriend- they are apparently all the rage this month! Working till
7:30, maybe going home after that. But Casey is back in town and I miss
his dirty gossipy mouth so maybe quite possibly hanging with him.

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