Friday, August 15, 2008


kinda can't believe my best friend is GETTING MARRIED in two days. i remember thinking that nicole getting her license to drive was a big deal... we were tooling around to the mall in her car an entire year before anyone else's. now she's the first one to get a HUSBAND. are the futures we used to imagine for ourselves when we were in high school actually coming true? ashley, holly, heather and robyn- bridesmaids in nicole's wedding, saturday august 16th, 2008. really, did life happen this fast? i feel like just yesterday nicole and i were crying over our 10th grade boyfriends, dancing the night away at the golden skate, eating chicken fingers and oreo madness at tgi fridays, trying to make our twelve o'clock curfew (well, MY twelve o'clock curfew :) the five of us were JUST YESTERDAY sitting on the block at lunch sharing big cookies, wearing our homecoming shirts, writing notes, writing in each other's yearbooks, having sleepovers, and insane ridiculous drama. and we're all still together? like, it's no longer a question of IF we will be there to see each other get married and, GASP! have babies... it's happening. two weeks ago we were in the airport bar having a drink before our flight to vegas for the bachelorette party. i looked at my absolute BESTS at that moment and told them exactly what I was feeling right then- "so, we're like... real ADULTS." hahaha. i guess it's just weird since we were so different, so much younger when we met. but the difference never feels that obvious unless i think about it. i guess that's a pretty cool thing, to have four other people that are so amazingly constant in your life you look back and say "where did all that damn time go?" you four bitches are amazing. i don't know what i'd do without even one of you in my life. and I know its totes nicole's day and all, but it's gonna be pretty rad saturday standing up with all four of you and thinking about how far we've come, and how much further we have to go. "it's hard to find people who love you no matter what. i was lucky enough to find four of them."