Thursday, August 28, 2008


Dear Juan, you are blood brother and a good friend and I love you!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Annoying Brit

There is an english lady with wide leg slacks and a lisp waiting for the bart talking on the phone to a guy named Chase who is not listening to her and EVERYTHING about her is annoying me!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

idea! (and an interesting nght)

so I was thinking. pretty much everywhere I go I always notice the most stylish girl in the room, on the street, etc. sometimes I admire hairstyles, specific pieces of jewelry or clothes, or just general style. sometimes I say something, you know if it's really super super rad and I just cannot stay quiet, like tonight with this girl's long plastic snake dangly earrings. I learned she got them at piedmont boutique on haight, and that they were only $3. with a little googling I figured out this is the store on haight with those big ol' legs hanging out of the window. anyway I was thinking, what if I carried around my good camera and took pictures of these girls, to blog about them- and have a blog about san francisco street style! you know like that section in nylon where they take pictures of people out at clubs and ask them funny little questions about what they're wearing? that's pretty much my favorite section. but you know all those kids are always from new york, and it's not the same as scoping people from your side of the coast. I could have cards with my blog's address to hand out to people who's picture I take so they can find it, and cute stickers made to promote it? yeah? there doesn't SEEM to be a niche already filled for this, and I think it would be a fun hobby and a way to mingle around and make friends. I mean I know I personally would be kinda stoked if someone asked to take my picture for their "style blog." please leave me some comments about this idea as it is still only a seed in my mind. In other news of the night, there is this broad here right now at the parkside, singing this song called "everyone is hideous compared to you." I think that's pretty clever and I think she is pretty much supacool, mostly because of the monocle she was wearing around her neck (that's right, a MONOCLE "to help her see small things") and her sparkley gold fanny pack. right now she is pretty much gyrating around stage with her monocle in and talking jibberish, but somehow IT RULES! I think you all of you (all 5 of you) should check her out- also, my fake eylashes from the wedding are STILL on, well at least a few of them. umyeah, I tried to remove them but am not having the best of luck, any suggestions? I'm starting to look like a tragic whore, especially tonight on the corner of 16th and mission trying to hail a cab, although I'm not sure I can blame that on the lashes : / goodnight, work at 9 am on the women's floor, boo, at least I have some awesome dvd's waiting for me when I get home tomorrow night!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

can't decide

whether my old marc by marc jacobs skinny chrissie's are "mom jeans chic" or just plain old mom jeans. oh well, they might be two seasons old and an just an inch too "medium rise," but tonight for eliot's they will be juuust fine! In other news, my dad likes manhattens (straight up tonight,) and my cat is still freakin' a-dorrrr-a-ble! also, I hate flickr, it is slow and impossible to understand, but I have almost 700 pictures up for your viewing pleasure- yeah, that's my username, so what?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

new movies!

just bought four new dvds from amazon!

-mermaids (christina ricci's best work in my opinion.)
-the new adventures of pippi longstocking (always one of my absolute faaaavorites!)
-the courtship of eddie's father (the movie not the tv show, still amazing.)
-the dick van dyke show season 3 (season 1 was too expensive.)

man I am sooo excited for all the dvd watching that I will be partaking in soon. probably should have saved that $65 for something else (maybe all my BART parking tickets?) but oh well. I'm not really worried about money anymore because tonight my dad came up with what I think is a rock solid financial plan for me- spend $10 a week on lottery tickets! yeah!

Friday, August 15, 2008


kinda can't believe my best friend is GETTING MARRIED in two days. i remember thinking that nicole getting her license to drive was a big deal... we were tooling around to the mall in her car an entire year before anyone else's. now she's the first one to get a HUSBAND. are the futures we used to imagine for ourselves when we were in high school actually coming true? ashley, holly, heather and robyn- bridesmaids in nicole's wedding, saturday august 16th, 2008. really, did life happen this fast? i feel like just yesterday nicole and i were crying over our 10th grade boyfriends, dancing the night away at the golden skate, eating chicken fingers and oreo madness at tgi fridays, trying to make our twelve o'clock curfew (well, MY twelve o'clock curfew :) the five of us were JUST YESTERDAY sitting on the block at lunch sharing big cookies, wearing our homecoming shirts, writing notes, writing in each other's yearbooks, having sleepovers, and insane ridiculous drama. and we're all still together? like, it's no longer a question of IF we will be there to see each other get married and, GASP! have babies... it's happening. two weeks ago we were in the airport bar having a drink before our flight to vegas for the bachelorette party. i looked at my absolute BESTS at that moment and told them exactly what I was feeling right then- "so, we're like... real ADULTS." hahaha. i guess it's just weird since we were so different, so much younger when we met. but the difference never feels that obvious unless i think about it. i guess that's a pretty cool thing, to have four other people that are so amazingly constant in your life you look back and say "where did all that damn time go?" you four bitches are amazing. i don't know what i'd do without even one of you in my life. and I know its totes nicole's day and all, but it's gonna be pretty rad saturday standing up with all four of you and thinking about how far we've come, and how much further we have to go. "it's hard to find people who love you no matter what. i was lucky enough to find four of them."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

so... who loves me
san francisco
october 17-19
only 10 tickets left!!

anyone wanna make me the happiest girl in the world... for the low low price of $1650?

I love my gays

I love the Castro. I love being at a bar full of hot boys that don't wanna hit on me. I love being in the only district in sf that I feel TOTALLY safe in. And above all else, I looove my gays!

Monday, August 11, 2008

It's time!

For a workout!


Just decided I LOVE this word! I'm bringing it back! Or...around for the first time.

What a waste

Of an entire year of my life :(

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I heart my casey

I am so glad he is back in town. Gossip doesn't taste as good and the olympics aren't as funny without him!

dead mice rule, goons drool

Last night I went to Amber where Ryan and I discussed the perils of
dating "goons." Rudy was spitting fire, and Ryan and Matt were twins.
The drinks were all free. Pretty much was a good night. Went home with
Domino to dude mansion where Rico the cat discovered a mouse which we
proceeded to "catch" and "let free" even though it wasn't really moving
much. I was quite convinced it was "playing dead" but Chris told me this
morning that mice don't really play dead so I think it may have been
mamed previously by the cat.

Now Mary and I are having a luncheon at the irish bank, both of us are
incredibly haggard. She's all fluttery on the phone to her long distance
boyfriend- they are apparently all the rage this month! Working till
7:30, maybe going home after that. But Casey is back in town and I miss
his dirty gossipy mouth so maybe quite possibly hanging with him.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Num delicious

basil garlic and aoli fries at universal cafe!

Saturday, August 2, 2008
