Friday, May 15, 2009

Princess Philomena Eddy-Batzloff Mews-a-lot (the First)

Last night, in an apparent attempt to foil my budding career as a supermodel, my loveley boyfriend suprised me by ADOPTING OUR KITTY! I was walking for a friend from work in this show:

Just as I was getting all waify and zen-like, aforementioned lovely bfri sends me a photograph of the VERY cat we had fallen in love with at the shelter the day before- Philomena- in OUR bathtub! It made for a very excited next couple of hours, waiting waiting waiting to get home to my new little purr factory!

So far, she is a perfect fit for our little studio apartment family. She might be the quietest cat alive, a quality that lends itself nicely to her newly bestowed title of Mews-a-lot! She does however, purr a lot (but that would be too obvious.) She likes to hang out and rub her face all over us. She has yet to do anything really naughty, and perhaps most importantly, she has yet to do anything to seriously anger or annoy Rob!

And now, for the PRECIOUS STUFF!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kittens and Guacamole in Belgium...or, Day Off in the Mission.

Today, I feel like I spent the entire day lying around-but in reality I suppose I didn't. Rob got the day off to work on the fifteen page paper that's due tomorrow for his Islam class. But before he got to work on that, we of course had to get some quality time together.

We started the day off at Frjtz, a Belgian fry joint that I had not been to before today but have always wanted to try. It was unimpressive at best; having heard so many rave reviews of the place I guess I was expecting some sort of mind-blowing eats. The deal here is that they serve you a load of fries, and you get to choose a couple of "specialty" dipping sauces to go with your tates. My pesto mayo dipping sauce was for sure a highlight of my meal- although Rob's white truffle artichoke ketchup and bacon mayo sauces left something to be desired (for me at least.) They also serve one of my most favorite things here- crepes! In my opinion you can't really screw up a crepe- all anyone can do is deliver your most favorite things ito you in a light and fluffy pancake deal. Anyone can, however, overcharge you for said crepe. I'll continue to visit worlds cheaper and just as yummy Crepes A Go Go, especially since it's down the street from my house.

Next up we headed to Paxton Gate, one of Rob's favorite stores (where he got the famous dead bat that hangs in our apartment.) We discovered they now have a children's store, which had lot of pretty cool and random children's toys, crafts, and artwork. Rob particularly liked a stuffed frog that was handmade in Kenya. My favorite thing was P.L. Travers' Mary Poppins series, reissued in hardcover with their original covers! As I expressed my interest in these books to Rob, this CRAZY WOMAN standing next to me goes "yeah, that was before Disney got ahold of her." As Disney's Mary Poppins has always been my most favorite movie ever- and having read all of the original books as a child- this broad's comment really offended me. I go "Uh huh" and scrambled out of that place.

Since we were in the Mission, I decided to talk Rob visiting the San Francisco SPCA to look at the kittens!! Well, there were no kittens, actually, just a lot of homeless adult cats and dogs. Of course I fell in love with one, a one year old female cat named Philomena. She was completely precious, playful but not annoying, and super loving to both Rob and I. I tend to dislike black cats (because I think they are boring looking,) and we want a boy kitten, so we went home empty handed. But Philomena was totes rad, not to mention her bad-ass name and super long and sleek tail. I've been a little blue all day thinking about not having her here with me, but hopefully she gets a great home soon.

I came home and napped off my $6 mimosa from Frjtz while Rob pounded away at the keyboard. Woke up and decided to do something yummy with the 89 cent avocados and corn tortillas I had left over from taco night. I decided to try my hand at homemade tortilla chips and guacamole. Both came out great (if not pretty unhealthy!)

Tomorrow- work then Becky's fashion show for SFSU! I should probably be sleeping right now...eek.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

he's all mine.

and i'm pretty happy about it.